Foot check-ups for kids

When should your child have their feet checked?

As experienced podiatrists, treating foot and ankle problems for over 20 years, we know that many adult foot problems have their origins in childhood.  If picked up early, we can often help prevent foot problems from becoming an issue in adulthood.

To help detect problems early, children should have a regular foot check-up at these important milestones:

  • Age 3 - this is when children develop a more adult ‘heel-toe’ gait pattern and the age when the arch has started to develop.
  • Age 5 – just before the start of primary school is an ideal time to have a child’s foot check-up. This is the first time a child will be wearing enclosed shoes all day, every day and participating in organised sport.  Abnormal foot posture can lead to delays in gross motor skill development (eg hop, skip, jump, kicking a ball and balance)
  • Age 11-12 – just before high-school starts. This is the start of puberty, with children getting heavier and often becoming involved in higher level sports.  With the start of high school, most children will be required to wear a formal leather school shoe for the first time, so choosing the best style for their feet is important.

If you are concerned about your child’s foot posture or you have a family history of foot, ankle or knee problems, you should visit our experienced children’s podiatrist at Foot Health Clinic, we care about kid’s feet!   

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