A bunion occurs when your big toe progressively drifts towards your second toe, causing a ‘bump’ at the base of the big toe joint.
Bunions develop slowly over time, progressively getting more noticeable, unsightly and more painful. If a bunion is treated well in the early stages of its development, before the joint stiffens up with early osteoarthritis, the regular use of a night-time bunion splint can be an effective form of treatment. Your Podiatrist will assess your bunion before giving you advice on whether you will benefit from the use of a corrective bunion splint. If your bunion fits the criteria for a Mild (1) to Moderate (2) deformity, then you will likely benefit from the regular use of a night splint (see the image below).
However, if your bunion is long-standing or the joint is stiff with arthritis and your Podiatrist assesses it as an Advanced / Severe (3) deformity, a bunion splint will be of limited effectiveness.
If you, or your child, have bunions, seeking treatment early is the best way to avoid progression of this deformity over time. Preventive bunion care includes night splints, foot mobilization therapy, foot strengthening exercises, toe separators, footwear advice and custom foot orthotics to improve foot function and stability. Our Podiatrists Samford provide comprehensive and effective non-surgical care for bunions for children and adults.