Onyfix Nail Brace System for Ingrown Toenails


Treat ingrown toenails

The Onyfix Nail Correction System is an innovative non-invasive technology used to treat ingrown toenails and pincer nails (severely curved nails) with a conservative care mindset.

The Onyfix system uses an acrylic composite material that is designed to adhere to the surface of the toenail.  Our Podiatrists are trained to custom shape and mould the brace material, positioning it neatly on the base of your toenail.  Once in place, we apply a blue LED light to set and harden the material. As the toenail grows forward, the material acts like a brace to prevent the toenail from curling at the distal edge. This ensures that the nail remains in the correct shape as it grows from the base of the nail to the end of the toe.

Pain free

The Onyfix application can be applied on the same day as your appointment.  The Onyfix system stays in place on your nail for about 4-12 weeks, depending on the health of your nail.  As your nail grows, the onyfix will grow with the nail, helping it to grow in a corrected position.  For best results, we recommend treatment for a period of 6-9 months with a review every 6-8 weeks, to check if the brace needs to be replaced.  Once complete, the brace is removed and the nail continues to grow naturally.  The whole process is pain-free, during the application and throughout the entire process.



The Onyfix Nail Correction system is

  • pain-free;
  • non-surgical;
  • requires no local anaesthetic or needles;
  • safe for children and the elderly;
  • safe for people with diabetes and circulation problems;
  • requires no recovery period;

If you would like to try a non-surgical, pain-free approach to ingrown toenails discuss the Onyfix Nail Correction system with your Podiatrist.

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Foot Health Clinic is a Brisbane kids, family and active adventurers podiatry clinic. We are recognised Foot and Ankle Professionals.


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Samford Central Shopping Centre, Cnr Mt Glorious Rd & Mary Ring Dr
Samford Village QLD 4520

07 3289 6050

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